How to Find Your Style in 10 Steps

In this post, let’s take a look at what you can do to find your own personal style. If you’re thinking about how to find your style, here are 10 steps to help you find it.

What defines style?

“Style” is hard to define and I’m going to take a stab at it here, but I think we all know it when we see it, and Jackie O is a prominent example.

She has developed her own unique style, which can usually be recognized by her signature sunglasses.

Gore Vidal said something that for me best illustrates style: “Style is knowing who you are, knowing what you want to say, and not caring.”

Style is as much about knowing yourself as it is about knowing what you want to portray. If you’re sure of that, other people’s opinions don’t matter.

Have you found your own quotes to summarize your style?

How to find confidence in yourself and your style

Now that you’ve been thinking about style and what it means to you, let’s take a look at how you can truly create your own unique style.

1. Know your body

Knowledge is power. So the first thing you need to know is what your body looks like and what works for you. If you have a good understanding of your body type and its strengths and weaknesses, you can buy the right clothes to accentuate or conceal your figure. At, we have 5 horizontal body shapes :

1. pear
2. Apple
3. Rectangle
4. Hourglass
5. inverted triangle

You can determine your body type by going to this page and then following the guidelines for your specific body type.

You may also want to determine your vertical body type.

Once you have discovered your body type, you can begin to think about the ideal silhouette you want to create and create a balanced outfit.

Above I’m wearing a sweater from MANGO. Check out these similar pants (another option) and lace-up boots.

2. Know your personality and find your style

Write down some words that describe your personality. How do you describe it now? Do you think your style reflects your personality?

Look at all the different styles. Which one appeals to you the most?

If you’re still not sure, you can take this fun personality test and see your results.

Capsule Wardrobe of Different Style Personalities

01) Naturalistic Personality
02). Classic Type Personality
03). Minimalist personality
04). Architectural Style Personality
05). Romantic style personality
06). Charismatic style personality
07). Stylish personality
08). Urban/street style personality
09). European style personality
10). Bohemian style personality
11). Rock style personality
12). College style personality

3.Which colors inspire you?

Colors can also have a huge impact on your style and feel. Learn how certain colors make you feel. If you don’t use a lot of colors in your current style, you can start experimenting a bit by adding some colors through accessories and see how those colors make you feel.

Do you have a color you like to wear? You can make a capsule around it.

01) Red.
02). Green.
03). Navy
04). Gray
05). Orange
06). Pink.
07). Beige
08). Black.
09). Purple
10). White
11). Yellow.

4. blowing the whistle on your current closet

Be honest. What are the clothes in your closet that you really like? How many clothes have you not worn in a long time? How many are “mistakes”. Similarly, write down what doesn’t work. What clothes make you happy?

Then donate or swap anything you know doesn’t work for you. They may be great pieces, but if they don’t fit you or your body type, or create the silhouette you’re after, you won’t look stylish in them. Check out my closet edit series to create a closet you love!

5. save a scrapbook or pin a style that inspires you

Whenever you see someone else wearing an outfit you admire or love, try sticking it in a note or scrapbook or pinning it on Pinterest.

After a while, you will see patterns develop in the kind of style you like. Take note of this and remind yourself of that style before following the latest trends.

6. make sure everything you buy suits you

I’m sure this has happened to you. You see a really great dress for the lowest price. It fits your body, styles your personality, and creates a silhouette you love.

You try it on, but it gets a little too short or too tight. Regardless, you buy it anyway because the item is beautiful and cheap.

This is a big mistake. Anything that doesn’t fit you won’t look good on you.

So beware of sales and only buy new clothes that you really like and that fit you (or that you can easily modify to fit you).

7. Record your outfits or take photos in a notebook or journal

You may have pinned or made a scrapbook of the clothes that inspire you, but when you’re thinking about how to find your style, you should also try to really understand which clothes make you feel great!

If you feel great in a certain outfit on a certain day, write it down. Or even better, take a picture of it.

I find it helpful to take a picture of myself to help me discern which clothes work and look good and which ones don’t. This will help you define your style and prevent you from making mistakes when making purchases.

To make the process even easier, you can try a tripod so you don’t have to rely on someone else to take your picture for you.

8. Try to figure out the components of your style and only follow the latest trends when they suit your style

True style is not influenced by popular trends.

While it’s nice to add a few trendy pieces every season, you should only choose trends that work for you. Try waiting for a trend that suits you and then buy a few pieces.

9. Make sure you have all the essentials in your closet that suit your style

If you have a clearer idea of what you like and what suits you through all of the above, then you need to make sure that you have the basic necessities that suit your style.

These basics will be different for each of you. Browse through your inspiration book to determine the essentials that are absolutely necessary for your style.

10. Make your style special with the right pieces and accessories

Once you have a basic style, look for some wonderful statements that are truly unique to you. Try to be creative and mix high-end and low-end brands. Create something unique!

Accessories are easier to change and get creative with. Buy a great pair of shoes and pick a handbag that suits your style.

If you know your style well, it may not be necessary to buy a lot of shoes or handbags at all.

Instead, you can focus on getting the perfect one. One of these accessories may become part of your signature style. Something that sets you apart.

For example, if you like to be comfortable but you still want to stand out from the crowd, you can choose a pair of patterned or textured sneakers.

More ideas to hone your style

You already have 10 ideas to refine and enhance your style. Now, let’s take a look at some other ways you can find inspiration and develop your own sense of style.

1. choose your favorite pieces – and build your outfit around them

If you’re really not sure where to start, then you can take your favorite piece from your closet and match the rest of your outfit around it.

2. Take inspiration from celebrities

While you don’t want to copy someone else because it’s all about developing your own personal style, you can definitely take inspiration from other stylish women.

Take a look at our selection of fashion icons on the site.

If you love an outfit worn by one of your favorite celebrities, why not take a look at your closet and see if you can emulate it in your own way.

3. Follow other stylish women over 40

One of the problems when it comes to styling yourself is imagining what an outfit would look like on you, rather than on a 20-something model. Look at what other stylish women in their 40s are wearing and how they match your own style. Check out @40plusstyle on Instagram and the 40+Style community on Facebook, or look at the most stylish women over 40 on Instagram.

4. consider how you want to present yourself to the world

If you’re not sure how to define your style, why not think about it from a different angle? Instead of thinking about what to wear, think about how you want people to see you. For example, do you want to look friendly? Confident? Interesting? How can you say that when you’re dressed like that?

5. Trust your instincts

Finally, trust your instincts. If you’ve put together an outfit that feels good and gives you confidence, you’ve done it!



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